Congress debated the Big Mac today. With charts. Seriously. – The Washington Post

KOMO Story : ‘We’re all paying:’ Heroin spreads misery in US

By AMY FORLITI Associated Press

SEATTLE (AP) – Some states, including Washington, are seeing an increase in heroin use as many addicts shift from more costly and harder-to-get prescription op…

@BarackObama might go down as one of the worst in history: President Obama got elected on competence. Now people are starting to wonder. – The Washington Post

This your legacy @BarackObama

91,800,000. This number represents the number of people whom are either unemployed or unemployed under Barack Obama. These are people like myself whom can’t find decent employment so take jobs pay next to nothing and have long term prospects for improvement. It would nice to see him focus on reversing but this doesn’t seem to be the case.