Today’s weather: High about 60, low about 45, 0% chance of rain and a 70% chance of witnessing a horrible crime on the Las Vegas Strip

Yeap most Las Vegan will tell you they do go to ‘The Strip’ cause its such a freak show, but ALL of this oasis problems end up here21295933_BG1

The Associated Press: 3 dead, several hurt in Vegas gun battle, crash.

Three Dead In Las Vegas ‘Rolling Gun Battle’

3 dead after gunfight, wreck on Vegas Strip

Three dead after shooting leads to multi-vehicle accident on Strip

Las Vegas Strip Shooting, Crash Leaves 3 Dead






List of highest…

This post was inspired by a comment of a fellow bus rider. He claimed that Las Vegas was the 2nd richest city in ‘merica. So as I went to do I did my research. There is no city in all Nevada that ranks any where near the richest cities listed, in fact it is one the poorest. But as usual there is a lot of very much misplaced civic pride,